Make Money. And Look Good Doing It.
Unlike a consignment store, there's no need to wait for your items to sell.
Make Money. And Look Good Doing It.
Unlike a consignment store, there's no need to wait for your items to sell.
Recycling your closet clean-out with ReLove Exchange is an exciting way of helping the environment, while also earning a little extra cash or trade towards a new wardrobe. If you're looking to sell clothes and accessories you’re no longer wearing, simply bring them into your local ReLove Exchange- our buyers will be happy to take a look!
When you trade at ReLove, we pay you 50% in store credit of the item's selling price in the store. If want to keep your payout in trade for future visits, no worries. We can put it on a trade card that never expires.
· CASH ·
When you sell your clothes for cash at ReLove, we pay you 30% of the item's selling price in the store. This is in the form of cash payment on-the-spot.
Make Money. And Look Good Doing It.
Unlike a consignment store, there's no need to wait for your items to sell.
Recycling your closet clean-out with ReLove Exchange is an exciting way of helping the environment, while also earning a little extra cash or trade towards a new wardrobe. If you're looking to sell clothes and accessories you’re no longer wearing, simply bring them into your local ReLove Exchange- our buyers will be happy to take a look!
When you trade at ReLove, we pay you 50% in store credit of the item's selling price in the store. If want to keep your payout in trade for future visits, no worries. We can put it on a trade card that never expires.
· CASH ·
When you sell your clothes for cash at ReLove, we pay you 30% of the item's selling price in the store. This is in the form of cash payment on-the-spot.
That Store Your Friend Told You About.
Relove Exchange is a buy sell trade resale clothing company.
We put cash back in our customer's wallets, for more shopping.
"I've bought some really nice clothes. I've worn it a couple times, I'm tired of it or it doesn't fit me- where can I make a little bit of money off of it?"
We understand that many students, expats, tourists, and locals don't have time to sell their old clothes and money to spend on new clothes.
Other than spending hours standing in the rain at flea markets with enormous piles of clothing that sell for only 50 cents, or taking photos and selling each item online, we created a new solution for an immediate reward.
Unlike consignment stores which require your clothing items to sell before you can get paid, if we think we can resell them - we will buy your clothes from you on-the-spot.
Our Mission
We aim to fill the gap that has long existed in Amsterdam's secondhand clothing market, while also elongating the life cycle of clothing. Our goal is to create a fresh and exciting way to connect men & women’s closets and reduce clothing wastage in the Netherlands.
We buy directly from the public everyday, which means our stock is a reflection of the current trends in our community.
Similar to shopping from your friend's closets!
Our team has secured backing from venture capitalists and a host of prominent angel investors. We are on our way to changing the circular fashion economy of the Netherlands, but really, we’re just getting started.
Make Money. And Look Good Doing It.
Unlike a consignment store, there's no need to wait for your items to sell.
Recycling your closet clean-out with ReLove Exchange is an exciting way of helping the environment, while also earning a little extra cash or trade towards a new wardrobe. If you're looking to sell clothes and accessories you’re no longer wearing, simply bring them into your local ReLove Exchange- our buyers will be happy to take a look!
When you trade at ReLove, we pay you 50% in store credit of the item's selling price in the store. If want to keep your payout in trade for future visits, no worries. We can put it on a trade card that never expires.
· CASH ·
When you sell your clothes for cash at ReLove, we pay you 30% of the item's selling price in the store. This is in the form of cash payment on-the-spot.

Volg ons op Instagram: @ReLovexchange

Shop je favoriete merken met 70% korting van de verkoopprijs

Maak een afspraak om te verkopen: 020 - 2397275

Je hoeft niet te wachten tot je items verkopen.
Ruim je kast op voor cash of tegoed.

Founded in Amsterdam

Ferdinand Bolstraat 110
The Pay Off:
Anders dan bij tweedehands winkels hoef je niet meer te wachten tot je items verkocht worden!
Elk item dat we van je inkopen geven we een verkoopprijs, waarvan je direct 25% cash OF 45% in winkelkrediet krijgt.
We nemen zowel vrouwen als mannenkleding aan, mits de items in hele goede staat zijn en van de betere merken.
Items zijn over het algemeen niet langer dan 60 dagen in onze winkel. Als een item na 30 dagen nog niet is verkocht, gaat het item de sale in. Op deze manier is er altijd iets nieuws te vinden.
Ook bieden wij de mogelijkheid om items die wij niet voor de winkel aannemen te doneren.

Jouw keuze.
Terug in Cash
Terug in shoptegoed
Niet 100% tevreden met je aankoop? Ruil het binnen 24 uur voor winkelkrediet.

Shop top lokale Nederlandse en internationale fashion merken voor maar een fractie van de prijs.

Als een item niet binnen 30 dagen verkocht wordt gaat het in de sale!